CRFS Thematic Open Call: Agroecology as a Bold Climate Solution

This call has now closed

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Name of the entity
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems (CRFS)
Type of Support Provider
Close Date
Climate Objective
Eligible to submit a proposal
Non-state actors (e.g., academic/research institutions, non-profits, etc.)
Co-financing Requirement
Consortium Requirement
Funding Amount
USD 400,000
Latin America and the Caribbean
Sub-Saharan Africa
Sectors and Themes
Call Summary
The Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems (CRFS) is a program of the McKnight Foundation that has funded agricultural research since the 1980s. Currently, most grants support regionally based research projects that are grouped into three regional communities of practice (CoPs) in Africa and South America. A small portfolio of grants are cross-cutting in nature. Regional projects typically link international, national, and local organizations with communities of smallholder farmers, researchers, development professionals, and other stakeholders. Cross-cutting projects support aspects of work across regions or help to facilitate global-to-local connections. CRFS projects generate technical and social innovations to improve nutrition, livelihoods, productivity, environmental sustainability, rural vibrancy, and equity for farming communities. Large-scale impact is realized when new ideas, technologies, or processes are adapted to new contexts, when insights from research catalyze change in policy and practice, and when innovation inspires further success.

This call invites innovative proposals for original transdisciplinary research, synthesis, and/or communications on agroecology as a bold climate solution. Proposals will be considered for projects that evaluate the potential for agroecological approaches to make a difference in adapting to, reducing risks, or mitigating climate change for smallholder farmers and regional food systems in CRFS’ regions of focus (the Andes, West Africa, and/or East and Southern Africa). Proposals do not need to limit themselves to biophysical considerations and may include political, social, or economic dimensions of food systems.

The estimated level of funding for this open call will be $400,000. CRFS anticipates making at most 4 awards ranging from $100,000-$400,000 each, with project durations of 1-3 years.
Eligibility Criteria
Proposed projects should have relevance to smallholder farmers and regional food systems in one or more of the CRFS regions of focus: Andes (Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador), West Africa (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger), and/or East and Southern Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi).

Preference will be given to research teams and organizations in the Global South, or those that have co-leadership with organizations in the Global South.